Hacking Surges During Pandemic - Are Your Systems Prepared?

April 13, 2020

There’s not a more important time than now to ensure you’re protecting your systems from security threats. Hackers are taking advantage of the transition that many organizations are making to remote work forces during this pandemic.The World Health Organization (WHO) Chief Information Security Officer, Flavio Aggio, told Reuters in March, “There has been a big increase in targeting of the WHO and other cybersecurity incidents. There are no hard numbers, but such compromise attempts against us and the use of [WHO] impersonations to target others have more than doubled.” Healthcare is being targeted, but all organizations should take heed of the warning.

Don’t Be a Statistic, Ensure You're Protecting Your Systems

Cisco’s 2020 annual CISO Benchmark report indicated that for those organizations that had a security incident, 46% of the incidents were due to an unpatched security vulnerability. Now is the time to ensure you have a regular patching schedule in place and you're protecting your systems. The impact of not having this discipline in your IT processes could be devastating.Not all IT organizations have the manpower to perform regular patching - projects that deliver critical business functionality can easily take the front seat. During the beginning of the pandemic, EDCi was contacted by companies looking to quickly get remote systems access implemented so employees could work from home. Critical business projects like this can shift IT organizations away from regular operational activities like patching. If worries about system maintenance and patching keep you up at night, you should consider looking into having a third party manage your systems.

EDCi is Here to Help

EDCi MSP 500 plaque

EDCi was recognized by CRN, a leading source of IT news, analysis and best practices in 2020 as a Managed Services Provider 500 and Pioneer 250. CRN publishes this to recognize North American solution providers with cutting-edge approaches to managed services. EDCi was further recognized as a Pioneer for providing managed services to the SMB market.If your IT operations group regularly does patching, good for you! You’re already ahead of many of the businesses we run into. If you think you need some help protecting your systems, please give us a call to learn more about our Managed Services offerings and how we can help ease your burden.No matter your situation, keeping your systems patched seems to be half the battle in ensuring your IT systems are secure.

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