4 Automation Tools You Might Want to Know About
We get it, not every company necessarily needs automation. A large airline contact center with 2,500+ agents would

benefit from automation. While a small business that can manage interactions in a timely manner might not. Whether your organization is large or small automation is something to look into. The key to automation is simplicity. People are not opposed to clicking a couple buttons, but touching ten and still not getting what you want (or where you want) is where the frustration comes in. Let’s take a look at some automation tools you might want to know about.
Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management (KM) involves data mining and some method of operation to push information to users. Therefore, the goal of a KM system is to provide organizations with the ability to locate and organize relevant content and expertise to address tasks and projects. The agent can then access information from the KM system to assist in resolving a customer’s inquiry.
Self Service
Interactive voice response (IVR) is an example of a self-service technology that allows customers to answer inquiries without interacting with an agent. Self-service reduces the number of repetitive inquiries that agents need to resolve. IVR is most often used for simpler transactions. However, if the customer would like human interaction an agent can take over the IVR.
Skill-based routing
Skill-based routing (SBR) filters incoming calls to agents with the most applicable skill sets. For example, someone with finance skills and billing training would receive a billing inquiry call. The telephone number used to initiate the call, the identity of the caller and/or the choice made on the IVR system are all potential criteria that get customers to specific agents. While SBR often drives a high success rate for handled inquiries, if routing is not set up properly, you run the risk of overloading certain agents with a higher customer satisfaction result.
Workforce Management
Workforce management (WFM) helps businesses manage agent schedules ensuring that you have the right staff and skills, at the right time, in order to meet service levels. WFM software analyzes historical trends to project future demands and develops schedules that optimize resources utilizing predefined parameters. EDCi has a great workforce management and optimization solution you should look into.Automation is a valuable tool to help save minutes in the contact center. Automation can help organizations and agents better perform daily tasks. What other automation tools are you using in your contact center?